🎯 Future Founders Wanted!

Excited to launch the first edition of FutureFounders Program, a free intensive course for 60 aspiring entrepreneurs.

Created by Bocconi 4 innovation in collaboration with MUSA scarl, Politecnico di Milano, PoliHub – Innovation Park & Startup Accelerator, Università degli Studi di Milano, Fondazione UNIMI and Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, the program will be run by Augusto Coppola and is aimed at all future entrepreneurs who want to start their own business but don’t know where to start.

What’s at stake:
👉 4 months of seminars and workshops in Milan + online sessions on topics such as entrepreneurial mindset, business concept definition, prototyping, lean thinking, digital marketing, sales tool, pitch techniques;
👉 The opportunity to create real startups from scratch, experiencing the typical difficulties associated with the early development phase of business ideas.

Who should apply?
👉 Aspiring startup founders, preferably (but not exclusively) from the university environment (students, alumni, researchers, professors).

Applications are open until February 23, the program starts in March.

all the details here: https://www.b4i.unibocconi.it/future-founders-program/

oggi InfinityGen è ufficialmente una realtà! 🚀

Scrive Lorenzo Bellina:

Dopo quasi 10 mesi da quando tutto è iniziato, oggi InfinityGen è ufficialmente una realtà! 🚀

L’idea è nata da un problema concreto nel settore ceramico, di cui ho parlato con Gabriele Dominici davanti a un tè caldo. Da quella conversazione è partita la nostra sfida: trovare una soluzione innovativa.
Dopo mesi di lavoro, abbiamo trasformato il concetto in un progetto concreto, presentandolo a un’azienda leader del settore, dimostrando il valore della nostra tecnologia.

Nel frattempo, abbiamo partecipato al programma di accelerazione Boldbrain Startup Challenge a Lugano, un’esperienza formativa che ci ha permesso di crescere e confrontarci con numerosi esperti. Raggiungere la finale è stato un traguardo importante, ma il vero valore è stato tutto ciò che abbiamo imparato.

Dopo tanti viaggi tra Friuli, Emilia-Romagna, Lombardia e Ticino, e mesi di lavoro costante, siamo fieri di annunciare che InfinityGen è ora ufficialmente registrata in Svizzera!

🔹 Cosa facciamo?
InfinityGen trasforma il processo di acquisizione di immagini per superfici come ceramica, carta da parati, pannelli decorativi e pavimenti.

Molte realtà di questi settori si affidano a fornitori esterni, affrontando tempi lunghi e scarsa personalizzazione. InfinityGen offre una soluzione innovativa, permettendo alle aziende di:

✅ Creare immagini personalizzate in linea con la loro brand identity
✅ Generare texture ad altissima risoluzione fino a 32K pixel
✅ Espandere collezioni esistenti senza ripetizioni
✅ Ridurre tempi, costi e impatto ambientale, garantendo pieno controllo sul processo creativo

Siamo solo all’inizio, e non vediamo l’ora di portare questa innovazione nel settore!

Politecnico di Milano: A new model of support for innovative businesses

A new model of support for innovative businesses that arise within the Politecnico di Milano ecosystem to amplify entrepreneurial opportunities.

The University has structured targeted paths for students and researchers, to accompany innovative ideas and research projects from the academy to the market, exploiting the synergy between the Technology Transfer Office, Career Service, and PoliHub.

The Startup Opening Year 2025 event, inaugurated by the Rector Donatella Sciuto and the Delegate for Technology Transfer and President of PoliHub Marco Bocciolone, marks the starting point of this new vision, also hosting the awards ceremony of the 16th edition of Switch2Product, in which over 500 candidates participated with 184 projects evaluated.

The 26 finalist startups of this edition will access an incubation process; 9 projects have already received a €30K grant. Hu.Moss, H7 shelter, Evoli, SafeTouch, Ear-Resistible were awarded by the Polytechnic of Milan. Partner of the initiative Deloitte, which has decided to assign an economic contribution based on merit to Deep4IT. 3 grants from the Chamber of Commerce of Milan which were assigned to: TO Sense, AHEAD, and 3D Hyper-Scan.

B4i – Bocconi for innovationB4i – 12 startups, 1 stage B4i’s Demo Day!

Imagine: months of hard work, countless pivots and sleepless nights – and then, the spotlight. At B4i’s the culmination of our Acceleration and Pre-Acceleration programs – we watched 12 ambitious entrepreneur take their first big leap: pitching in front of investors, industry leaders, and other founders.

🚀 Here’s who they are:

Pre-Acceleration Startups:
🔹 Sandy | A smart, portable alarm for travelers and digital nomads.
🔹 Insight | AI-enhanced 3D visualization for colonoscopy procedures.
🔹 Plutonios | AI-driven digital concierge for hotels.
🔹 Bacan | A digital freight forwarder simplifying wine & spirits logistics.
🔹 Free Eat | A platform connecting people with food intolerances to the best “free-from” products.
🔹 EVA Surgica | Augmented reality navigation for surgeons, improving precision and patient care.

Acceleration Startups:
🔹 Forte! | AI-powered assistant for music producers, automating audio workflows.
🔹 Rilemo (ex. Previeni) | Portable AI imaging device for real-time medical diagnostics.
🔹 Prefe | A dashboard for grocery pricing insights, helping businesses and consumers save.
🔹 Spods | An AI co-pilot transforming talent acquisition.
🔹 Dimot MA | A platform streamlining market access in the life sciences industry.
🔹 Hello Dexter | An AI-driven sales intelligence platform boosting performance.