Grande successo per la seconda edizione della Giornata cantonale delle startup

09 febbraio 2023

Oltre 400 persone in presenza, un centinaio collegate nel metaverso o in streaming, una dozzina di relatori qualificati e una ventina di startup. Sono, questi, i numeri della seconda edizione della Giornata cantonale delle startup, organizzata quest’oggi a Lugano dalla Divisione dell’economia del Dipartimento delle finanze e dell’economia (DFE), in stretta collaborazione con la Fondazione Agire.

Boldbrain : aperta la 5a edizione

2 Settembre 2022

Ieri si è svolto il Kick off Meeting che ha dato ufficialmente il via alla quinta edizione dell’acceleratore Boldbrain Startup Challenge.

I progetti presentati dai team sono allocabili in molti dei principali settori economici innovativi, tra i quali spiccano il fintech, le ICT e il settore biotech / Medtech. Tra le startup selezionate, sette vantano già un prototipo della loro idea, tre sono già sul mercato e ben sei sono già costituite in società.

I nomi delle startup partecipanti sono (in ordine alfabetico):

Aliper Therapeutics
Decentralized Delivery
Green Power Box
Piece of Mind
Quantum Lab
Real Asset Platform
Talos Drachma


Giornata cantonale delle startup – 4 aprile – LAC Lugano Arte e Cultura

La Giornata cantonale delle startup ha l’obiettivo di rafforzare la messa in rete tra startup ticinesi e potenziali investitori. Questi ultimi avranno la possibilità di avvicinarsi al mondo delle startup grazie a diversi momenti di approfondimento.
Le occasioni di incontro e scambio saranno inoltre facilitate nella parte espositiva in cui una ventina di startup saranno presenti con i loro stand.

Innovazione, creatività, dinamismo, sguardo verso il mondo e il futuro: sono queste alcune caratteristiche delle startup, giovani aziende che rappresentano una grande opportunità di sviluppo per l’economia ticinese. Una tipologia di imprenditorialità che ha esigenze particolari, tra cui la ricerca di investimenti per poter lanciare i propri prodotti o servizi sul mercato internazionale.

Giornata cantonale<BR>delle startup – EVENTI DFE (DFE) – Repubblica e Cantone Ticino

Twenty teams join the Boldbrain Startup Challenge

The fourth edition of Boldbrain Startup Challenge, Ticino’s accelerator for innovative startups, has kicked off. Twenty teams representing the consumer products and services and the Medtech sector joined the program.

From the 104 applications submitted for the fourth edition of Boldbrain Startup Challenge, 48 were eligible according to the admission criteria, including the value of the idea and its scalability, the possible impact on the territory, the degree of innovation, the business model and the quality of the team. The commission of evaluators, composed of experts from the world of economy, education, and entrepreneurship in Ticino evaluated them to select twenty teams.

In the upcoming three months, the teams will undergo the acceleration program with support from professional consultants (coaches), meetings, and events, marking the program’s different phases until the ten finalists reach the Awards Ceremony scheduled for December 2 at the Palazzo dei Congressi in Lugano.


Twenty projects join the Boldbrain Startup Challenge

Boldbrain Startup Challenge 2020 has selected the 20 projects that will take part in the only accelerator program in Ticino.

The 2020 edition attracted a total of 148 applications, of which 62 were examined by an evaluation committee .


The 20 start-ups selected for Boldrain Startup Challenge 2020 are:

4Devices (medtech) – Aargau

Excede (fintech/insurance tech) – Zurich

F-Helix (electronic and mechanical engineering) – Ticino

Finar Module Tech (electronic and mechanical engineering) – Italy

Lighthouse  (medtech) – Ticino

NATIVE (sport/leisure/tourism/lifestyle) – Ticino

Proxying (consulting and services) – Ticino

QM_Project (life sciences, IT diagnostics, data) – Italy

Secondo (consumer products and services) – Ticino

Smart Power Center (energy, cleantech) – Russia

SwicketLive (ICT, software & data engineering) – Ticino

TeachRemote (social entrepreurship, education) – Zurich

Trading Stratagem (fintech, insurance tech) – Ticino

TurboGas-5.0 (electronic and mechanical engineering) – Ticino

UNIVERSUS-OS (ICT, software & data engineering) – Italy

VMall (consumer products and services) – Ticino

voltWALL (energy, cleantech) – Ticino

WeSaidYes (sport/leisure/tourism/lifestyle) – Ticino

WYTH  (design, art, architecture, gaming) – Ticino

YSI (consumer products and services) – Italy

Applications welcome from startups and SMEs with innovative solutions to tackle Coronavirus outbreak

The European Commission is calling for startups and SMEs with technologies and innovations that could help in treating, testing, monitoring or other aspects of the Coronavirus outbreak to apply urgently to the next round of funding from the European Innovation Council. The deadline for applications to the EIC Accelerator is 17:00 on Wednesday 18 March (Brussels local time). With a budget of €164m, this call is “bottom up”, meaning there are no predefined thematic priorities and applicants with Coronavirus relevant innovations will be evaluated in the same way as other applicants. Nevertheless, the Commission will look to fast track the awarding of EIC grants and blended finance (combining grant and equity investment) to Coronavirus relevant innovations, as well as to facilitate access to other funding and investment sources.



E’ disponibile un nuovo corso ONLINE: Startup, come attrarre gli investitori

Raccogliere fondi senza troppe frustrazioni e nel minor tempo possibile
Il corso è suddiviso in 7 Lezioni:
1. Financing Round Perché e come
2. Investimenti Diluitivi
3. Il processo di finanziamento
4. Marketing Applicato al processo d’investimento
5. Due Diligence
6. Nuove fonti di finanziamento
7. Recap
Il corso STARTUP – come attrarre gli investitori, è rivolto a neo-imprenditori alla ricerca di fonti di finanziamento per le proprie aziende con l’obiettivo di accelerarne la crescita e lo sviluppo, e al contempo è anche rivolto a neo-investitori interessati a comprendere le regole del gioco per entrare con successo nella compagine azionaria di una Startup
Per maggiori informazioni, iscrizioni e partecipazione link

Skypull successfully closes its first financing round


Skypull is proud to announce the completion of a seven figure financing round by Shibumi International, a Dubai based venture capital firm investing and supporting early stage startups in the built environment demonstrating disruptive innovation and related growth potential for traditional markets. Shibumi International is a wholly owned subsidiary of Gulermak, a large industrial company focused on heavy civil works and steel fabrication.
We’re excited about Shibumi’s investment allowing Skypull to accelerate the development of its core Drone or UAV technology (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) in order to bring to market a technical demonstrator by June 2020, to showcase characteristics and system performance. “The investment solidifies the belief in the advantages of our patented Airborne Wind Energy system architecture, as well as the strength and capability of our diverse executive management team,” affirms Reinout Oussoren, CEO of Skypull.
Shibumi closely evaluated the emerging Airborne Wind Energy players and technologies and believes that Skypull’s system and approach is among the best suited when compared to more mature companies and related designs. Shibumi will work closely with Skypull on corporate development and obtaining future financing rounds on its trajectory to a commercial product launch targeted for 2022.
Skypull is recruiting engineering talent both in Switzerland and abroad and is in the final stage of selecting larger office and assembly space to accommodate its growing team and activities. The recent addition to its executive team has added a significant validation that its technology can be a game-changer and economically viable in both on- and off grid applications supporting the global transition to low cost sustainable renewable energy.