– Raised sooo much money
– Hedge funds turned VCs led every round past the B and drove the valuation to sky-high limits
– Hired and hired and hired
– 45 month payback
– Sponsored everything under the sun
– Valuation implied they’d get 100% market share and kill Salesforce and Hubspot within 5 years
– If they don’t 3x this year all is lost
– Even with $20M in the bank, only 10 months of runway left
– Beautiful creatures but not particularly durable
– Bootstrapped till profitability then raised a nominal amount of funding
– Did one round and moved back to profitability shortly thereafter
-Kept the team lean and mean and used automation wherever they could
– 20% growth this year but profitable and sustainable
– 12 month payback
– Valuation implied they’re a solid company with durable enterprise value
– They’re profitable so if they don’t hit their growth target they still get to be a company forever
– Infinite runway
– They’re an acquired taste but they get the job done and make it to the top of the mountain
Date a unicorn. Marry a donkey.
Sam Jacobs